Nude sveobuhvatna filterska rešenja (filter prese, filter platna, servis i odrżavanje) za širok spektar industrijskih grana:
- Prehrambena industrija
- Rudarstvo
- Industrija papira
- Farmaceutska industrija
- Proizvodnja pigmenata i boja
- Tretmani za pijaću vodu
- Rafinerije
- Hemijska industrija
- Kożarska industrija
- Tretmani otpadne vode

Micronics Portraits / Headshots / Lifestyle and Products. Commercial Photography by Dan Henry / DanHenryPhotography.com

Micronics Portraits / Headshots / Lifestyle and Products. Commercial Photography by Dan Henry / DanHenryPhotography.com

Micronics Portraits / Headshots / Lifestyle and Products. Commercial Photography by Dan Henry / DanHenryPhotography.com

Micronics Portraits / Headshots / Lifestyle and Products. Commercial Photography by Dan Henry / DanHenryPhotography.com